All Walks

Id W-053
Location Ford
Date 2019-05-17
Total distance 4.22 miles
Walkers Julia, Chris, Bob, Maggie, Steve led by Carol
KML Track Castle%20Coombe.kml (missing)
Weather was drizzly before the start from the White Hart at Ford but dried up for the walk. Lovely walk on paths mostly through woods and sheepy fields with (very) newborn lambs. On up the valley side to Castle Coombe and then back down the other side back to Ford. Lots of wild garlic. Many ash trees looking rather unenthusiastic and Maggie and Chris struggled to identify an Acer - Acer campestre - Field Maple it was. Excellent meals at the pub.
Track a bit drunken but that was technical not us. Length 6.83km total elevation 305m
New born lamb
New born lamb by Julia 
Woodland by Julia 
Wild Garlic
Wild Garlic by Julia 
Deer by Julia 
Lunch at the White Hart
Lunch at the White Hart by Julia