All Walks

Id W-011
Location Keynsham
Date 2013-04-26
Total distance 6.33 miles
Start 51.4190967,-2.4905967
Walkers Steve, Bob, Maggie,Julia and Chris led by Carol
KML Track keynsham2.kml (with Paths)
Path length         6.33 miles
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This walk is from WalkingWorld. Here are the leader's notes.
Another splendid walk in spring sunshine with the odd hail shower and gust of north wind.
The centrepoint of the walk was the old Dramway. Flickr has a couple of collections of photos of the Dramway BrizzleBornandBred and Kingswood Collier
We passed through the WillsBridge Valley nature reserve run by the Avon Wildlife trust, and past Hanham Court
Lunch at the Lockkeeper Pub.

by Julia 

by Julia 

by Julia 
Cow boy
Cow boy by Julia 
Lunch at the Lockkeeper
Lunch at the Lockkeeper by Julia 

by Steve 

by Steve 

by Steve 

by Steve 

by Steve 

by Steve