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Id W-055
Location Gower : Oxwich Point
Date 2019-10-09
Total distance 4.38 miles
Start 51.5572054,-4.1619056
Walkers Bob,Maggie, Steve, Carol, Julia led by Chris
KML Track oxwich-point.kml (with Paths)
Path length         4.38 miles
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First walk of our AGM away-day was from the car park at Oxwich Bay. A quick coffee at the posh but weird Hotel before setting out along the coast path. First the tiny church of St Illtyd before ascending the long flight of steps to the top of the cliff. Lunch stop halfway down in the woodland and then round the point and along the raised bench of Port Eynon Bay. A couple of brief but intense showers got us pretty wet. Back up to cliff level, skirting a field of ferocious cattle, and along the lanes to visit Oxwich Castle. Back to the carpark and off to the King Arthur Hotel for an excellent dinner and night.