Ways of Seeing Illustrated

Type Painting
title The Grand Duke Ferdinand II of Tuscany and his Wife
/label The Grand Duke Ferdinand II of Tuscany and his Wife
/searchlabel The Grand Duke Ferdinand II of Tuscany and his Wife by Justus Sustermans
subjects Ferdinand II de' Medici ; Vittoria della Rovere
/subject-link Ferdinand II de' Medici  Wikipedia   Google Images
/subject-link Vittoria della Rovere  Wikipedia   Google Images
artist Justus Sustermans
location National Gallery, London
hiresimage http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/76/Justus_Sustermans_004.jpg
webpage http://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/paintings/justus-sustermans-the-grand-duke-ferdinand-ii-of-tuscany-and-his-wife
/googleImages http://www.google.com/images?q=The%20Grand%20Duke%20Ferdinand%20II%20of%20Tuscany%20and%20his%20Wife%20by%20Justus%20Sustermans
is painting of Ways of Seeing page 97