Ways of Seeing Illustrated

Type Painting
title Helene Fourment in a Fur Coat
/label Helene Fourment in a Fur Coat
/searchlabel Helene Fourment in a Fur Coat by Peter Paul Rubens
subjects Hélène Fourment
/subject-link Hélène Fourment  Wikipedia   Google Images
artist Peter Paul Rubens
location Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
hiresimage http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2e/Peter_Paul_Rubens_019.jpg
/googleImages http://www.google.com/images?q=Helene%20Fourment%20in%20a%20Fur%20Coat%20by%20Peter%20Paul%20Rubens
is painting of Ways of Seeing page 60