Ways of Seeing Illustrated

Type Painting
title Venus, Cupid, Time and Love
/label Venus, Cupid, Time and Love
/searchlabel Venus, Cupid, Time and Love by Agnolo Bronzino
subjects Venus (mythology) ; Cupid
/subject-link Venus (mythology)  Wikipedia   Google Images
/subject-link Cupid  Wikipedia   Google Images
date 1546
artist Agnolo Bronzino
location National Gallery, London
hiresimage http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bd/Angelo_Bronzino_001.jpg
webpage http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venus,_Cupid,_Folly_and_Time
/googleImages http://www.google.com/images?q=Venus%2C%20Cupid%2C%20Time%20and%20Love%20by%20Agnolo%20Bronzino
The right foot of Cupid, in the lower left corner, was used by Terry Gilliam for the Monty Python giant stamping foot
is painting of Ways of Seeing page 54