My hobby server has been using eXist 1.4.2 and its high time to upgrade to 2.1 now that
there is a stable release. This is quite a jump, but as others are making this switch,
here are some of the issues I encountered.
- I installed in a Windows WP machine using the download for 2.1 rev 18721 - it
installed fine At this stage I'm using the default settings but I will move the
tool apps to their own directory because thats where I put my stuff
- I uploaded the backup frpm the bitfolk server
- Math changes. The math prefix is now bound by default to which does not implement the same
functions as the old math module with some
functions moved to the XPath module and some disappeared
- math:abs() -> fn:abs()
- math:sin() - no change
- math:cos() - no change
- math:ceil() -> fn:ceiling()
- math:floor() -> fn:floor()
- math:power() - now math:pow()
- math:random() -> util:random()
- fn:item-at($seg,$val) -> $seg[$val]
- request:redirect-to -> response:redirect-to
- I had a problem with accessing an attribute with values like 1, 1.1 which now are
coerced to numbers whereas in earlier releases they were treated as strings
unless explicitly converted to numbers [version in IATI code lists]
- An odd bug exploitation has been removed - I had a collection of Trips defined as $bsa:trips := collection(concat($bsa:db,"trips"))//Trip;
and then referenced then as $bsa:trips/Trip[newsletter=$id] and it worked on 1.4.2 but not (correctly so) on 2.1
- Stricter access rights so files which need to be publicly writable like a log
file need to have the access rights edited, as do scripts which are publicly
- the following returned B in 1.4.2 but now returns nothing
let $x := <a><b>B</b></a>
let $y := $x/b
- fn:string-pad() gone - no replacement but simple to code
- the datetime module is no longer enabled by default. The documentation shows the
function fn:format-date() and fn:format-dateTime(). However neither work - they
just echo the picture. The versions in xsl do work however. The picture format
for these functions are defined by the XPath 3.0 standard whilst the datetime functions use the java:SimpleDateFormat which tripped me up.
- it is good to see some of the XSL functions now available, in particular
format-number() and analyze-string(). fn:format-number() is an XPath 3.0
function and it works but is broken. For example
fn:format-number(20,"000.0") returns 020.000 whereas
xsl:format-number(20,"000.0") returns 020.0
- fn:document() has been removed -> fn:doc()
The Dashboard
In the main the new Dashboard is an improvement. I do find I have to keep logging in and
"remember me" doesnt seem to.
New Collection Browser:
- Unlike the other dashboard applications, it is modal, so has to be closed to get
back to the dashboard
- editing access rights doesnt appear to work - I had to use the Java client instead
- It is buggy and often breaks -"sorry an error has occured' Usually I can recover
by logging into the old admin interface and going back to the new browser
- The icons are miniscule and poorly distinguished
- Opening a resource, even a binary resource. opens it up in in eXide. Not very
useful for gifs. The old collection viewer opened the resource in a browser or
executed it as appropriate. This is what I think a browser should do. It might
be useful to have a way of opening the resource in eXide, but doesnt the eXide
file browser do this anyway.
- I had problems both creating new collections and uploading resources when the
same task in the old collections viewer worked fine. If you do not have
sufficent access rights to upload, you are stuck in a model dialog and have to
close the window
I like eXide although at present I use it only as the old SandBox.
- eXide hangs - "restoring state"
- I found Button placement a bit of a problem - if I reduce the size of the window,
the run button is the first to disappear yet it the one I most need. Run isnt
available on a dropdown or with a shortcut that I could find
To be honest I have yet to get on top of packaging with the EXPath standard. However I am
surprised that the packages are installed in the commonly used apps collection, so that
my applications are muddled up with the installed packages. I didn't get any name clashes
as it happens, but I might in future. I also can't backup my applications alone. I would
have prefered that these sit in a different packages directory. Overall it gives me the
feeling of being a small part of an eXist product, when mostly I want it to be a XML
Function Documentation
This is still very terse and could do with expansion to include references to support
documentation, such as the picture format for format-date. In my view, it also needs to
allow user contribution of example usage and discussion, along the lines of the PHP
reference manual. This is something I have advocated for some time but done little about
it personally. A central site where documentation on all modules is still needed,
perferably versioned. The current approach of providing documentation on the latest
verion only is questionable.