
A twitter reader #python #raspberryPi

I had the idea to get the Raspberry Pi to be a Twitter radio. Not novel and not very useful for the boat although vocalising NAVTEX messages as they arrive might be handy. Anyway it's fun.

In a previous XQuery version, I had used twitter search and the returned RSS feed, but in view of today's annoucement about Twitter dropping XML support, this may not be around for much longer. So I tried the json feed instead which was in fact easier to handle in Python anyway. e.g.

The script polls the search results at intervals and parses the json into tweets. The text needs cleaning up to be suitable for TTS.  To avoid repeating tweets, I retain the timestamp of the last tweet spoken and ignore tweets with a earlier timestamp. Tweets are reversed so they come out in chronological order:

The full code is in GitHub

Nothing much to this script and nothing specific to the RPi, except that the RPi makes it feasible to do fun things, like a roomfull of tweet vocalisers with which visitors could interact. I guess some filtering or human mediation would be needed here - my attempts to do this in lectures via SMS and a collaborative browser-based whiteboard elicited mainly shockingly bad language.

I'm looking for twitter streams worth listening to. Tom Sutcliffe on Saturday Review recommended the poet George Szirtes @george_szirtes and he is excellent. I wish I had had this running when Jennifer Egan's story Black Box was being tweeted by the New Yorker. A news channel would generate tweets at a useful rate and might be amusing to have in the background. However the problem is to do a better job of cleaning the text and adding SSML markup to the text so the TTS can make a better job of vocalising. It's a bit challanging to listen to but actually I'm amazed how well espeak does.