Projects | ZOO-trees | Tree_Survey

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Ref 1  
Common 🛈 The common name of the tree species Portugal laurel  
Latin 🛈 The Botanical name of the tree species. Prunus lusitanica    See
Species data Species data on ToB   🛈 "" || $self/Latin
BS5837 Category 🛈 This is the condition code assigned to the tree as defined in BS5837: This British Standard gives recommendations and guidance on the relationship between trees and design, demolition and construction processes. C2  
Tree ID 🛈 ID used in the Tree survey T001  
Onsite Trees 🛈 The number of trees of this species currently on the site, alone or in a group 1  
To Remove 🛈 The number of trees to be removed post-developement 0  
DBH cm 67   cm
Native 🛈 Native trees contribute more to the biodiversity of a site No   🛈 ((table('Species')[Botanical_name = $self/Latin]/BNG_native)[1],"No")[1]
Class 🛈 Trees are placed in a size class depending on its DBH Large   🛈 table('Tree_Size_Class')[number($self/DBH_cm) >= Low_DBH][number($self/DBH_cm) < High_DBH]/Class
Computed Criteria 🛈 This is a list of the criteria codes defined in the Tree_Criteria list B,C,D   🛈 string-join((if ($self/Native="Yes") then "A" else (),"B",if (number($self/DBH_cm) > 60) then "C" else (),"D",if (number($self/DBH_cm) > 100) then "E" else ()),",")
Surveyor Criteria  
Criteria B,C,D   🛈 ($self/Surveyor_Criteria,$self/Computed_Criteria)[1]
Condition Assessment Count 3   🛈 count(tokenize($self/Criteria,","))
Condition Assessment Medium   🛈 if ($self/Condition_Assessment_Count >= 5) then "Good" else if ($self/Condition_Assessment_Count >= 3) then "Medium" else "Poor"
Nominal DBH cm 🛈 This is the DBH in cm of the size class of the tree 90   cm 🛈 table('Tree_Size_Class')[Class=$self/Class]/Nominal_DBH
RPA m 🛈 RPA or Root Protection Area is a standard of estimating the cnaopy size based on the DBH 366.44   m 🛈 let $RPA_radius_m := $self/Nominal_DBH_cm * 12 div 100 return math:pi() * $RPA_radius_m * $RPA_radius_m
RPA ha 0.0366   hectare 🛈 $self/RPA_m div 10000
RPA baseline 🛈 The total RPA in hectares for the original number of trees 0.0366   hectare 🛈 $self/RPA_ha * $self/Onsite_Trees
RPA retained 🛈 The total RPA in hectares of the trees retained post-development 0.0366   hectare 🛈 $self/RPA_ha * ($self/Onsite_Trees - $self/To_Remove)
RPA lost 🛈 The total RPA in hectares lost post-development 0.0   hectare 🛈 $self/RPA_ha * $self/To_Remove