Projects | ZOO | Hedge_Creation

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Ref 1  
On-off-site On-site   🛈 (<option>On-site</option>,<option>Off-site</option>)
Hedge Type Native hedgerow   🛈 table('Hedgerow')/Hedge_Type
Length 0.74   km
Distinctiveness Category Low   🛈 table('Hedgerow')[Hedge_Type=$self/Hedge_Type]/Distinctiveness_Category
Distinctiveness Score 2   🛈 table('Hedgerow')[Hedge_Type=$self/Hedge_Type]/Distinctiveness_Score
Condition Moderate   🛈 table('Hedgerow_Condition')/Condition_Category
Condition Score 2   🛈 table('Hedgerow_Condition')[Condition_Category= $self/Condition]/Condition_Score
Strategic Significance Description Location ecologically desirable but not in local strategy   🛈 table('Strategic_Significance')/Description
Strategic Significance Medium strategic significance   🛈 table('Strategic_Significance')[Description = $self/Strategic_Significance_Description]/Strategic_significance
Strategic Significance Multiplier 1.1   🛈 table('Strategic_Significance')[Description = $self/Strategic_Significance_Description]/Multiplier
Standard Time to Target 5   🛈 table('Hedgerow_Creation_Time_to_Target')[Hedge_Type=$self/Hedge_Type][Condition=$self/Condition]/Years
Advance Years 🛈 Positive for Advance, Negative for delay 0   Year
Standard or adjusted time to target condition Standard time to target condition applied   🛈 if (number($self/Standard_Time_to_Target) le number($self/Advance_Years)) then "Check details - Is there evidence that habitat has reached target condition?" else if (number($self/Advance_Years) gt 0) then "Check details - Is there evidence habitat creation started/in place?" else if (number($self/Advance_Years) lt 0) then "Check details -Delay in starting habitat in required condition?" else "Standard time to target condition applied"
Final Time to Target 5   Year 🛈 if ($self/Standard_Time_to_Target castable as xs:integer or $self/Standard_Time_to_Target = "30+") then let $Year_to_target := if ($self/Standard_Time_to_Target = "30+") then 30 else xs:integer($self/Standard_Time_to_Target) return $Year_to_target - $self/Advance_Years else ()
Final Time to Target Multiplier 0.837   🛈 table('Temporal_Multiplier')[Year=$self/Final_Time_to_Target]/Time_to_target_Multiplier
Standard Difficulty of Creation Low   🛈 table('Hedgerow')[Hedge_Type = $self/Hedge_Type]/Technical_Difficulty_Creation
Applied Difficulty multiplier Standard difficulty applied   🛈 if ($self/Standard_or_adjusted_time_to_target_condition = "Check details - Is there evidence that habitat has reached target condition?") then "Low Difficulty - only applicable if all habitat created before losses" else "Standard difficulty applied"
Final Difficulty of Creation Low   🛈 if ($self/Applied_Difficulty_multiplier = "Standard difficulty applied" and number($self/Final_Time_to_Target)> 0) then $self/Standard_Difficulty_of_Creation else if ($self/Applied_Difficulty_multiplier = "Low Difficulty - only applicable if all habitat created before losses" and $self/Advance_Years ge $self/Standard_Time_to_Target) then "Low" else table('Hedgerow')[Hedge_Type=$self/Hedge_Type]/Technical_Difficulty_Creation
Final Difficulty of Creation Multiplier 1   🛈 table('Technical_Difficulty_Creation')[Technical_Difficulty_Creation=$self/Final_Difficulty_of_Creation]/Technical_Difficulty_Creation_Multiplier
Spatial Risk On-site   🛈 if ($self/On-off-site = "Off-site") then table('Spatial_Risk')/Spatial_Risk else <Spatial_Risk>On-site</Spatial_Risk>
Spatial Risk Multiplier 1   🛈 if ($self/On-off-site ="Off-site") then table('Spatial_Risk')[Spatial_Risk=$self/Spatial_Risk]/Multiplier else 1
Hedge Units Delivered 2.725272   Unit 🛈 $self/Length * $self/Distinctiveness_Score * $self/Condition_Score * $self/Strategic_Significance_Multiplier * $self/Final_Time_to_Target_Multiplier * $self/Final_Difficulty_of_Creation_Multiplier * $self/Spatial_Risk_Multiplier
User comments It is assumed that these hedgerows will be maintained to a similar condition to those already found on site .  
Consenting comments  
GIS ref  
Off-site ref