Projects | ZOO | Habitat_Baseline

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On-off-site 🛈 On-site habitats are for all land within the boundary of a project. In a planning context, this usually means within the red line boundary of a planning application; Off-site habitats are for interventions on land outside of the on-site boundary, regardless of proximity or ownership. On-site   🛈 (<option>On-site</option>,<option>Off-site</option>)
Broad Habitat Individual trees   🛈 table('Broad_Habitat')/Broad_Habitat
Habitat Urban tree   🛈 table('Habitat')[Broad_Habitat=$self/Broad_Habitat]/Habitat
Area 7.0   hectare
Area retained 3.44   hectare
Area enhanced 2.0   hectare
Area lost 1.56   hectare 🛈 $self/Area - $self/Area_retained - $self/Area_enhanced
Distinctiveness Category 🛈 A measure based on the type of habitat and its distinguishing features. This includes consideration of species richness, rarity, the extent to which the habitat is protected by designations and the degree to which a habitat supports species rarely found in other habitats. (User Guide 2.1) Medium   🛈 table('Habitat')[Habitat=$self/Habitat]/Distinctiveness_Category
Distinctiveness Score 4   🛈 table('Habitat')[Habitat=$self/Habitat]/Distinctiveness_Score
Habitat Condition 🛈 A measure of the habitat against its ecological optimum state. Condition is a way of measuring variation in the quality of patches of the same habitat type. (User Guide 2.1) Moderate   🛈 table('Habitat_Condition')[Habitat=$self/Habitat]/Condition
Habitat Condition Score 2   🛈 table('Habitat_Condition')[Habitat=$self/Habitat][Condition= $self/Habitat_Condition]/Condition_Score
Strategic significance description 🛈 Describes the local significance of the habitat based on its location and the habitat type. (User Guide 2.1) Location ecologically desirable but not in local strategy   🛈 table('Strategic_Significance')/Description
Strategic significance Medium strategic significance   🛈 table('Strategic_Significance')[Description = $self/Strategic_significance_description]/Strategic_significance
Strategic significance multiplier 1.1   🛈 table('Strategic_Significance')[Description = $self/Strategic_significance_description]/Multiplier
Required Action Same broad habitat or a higher distinctiveness habitat required   🛈 table('Habitat')[Habitat=$self/Habitat]/Trading_notes
Spatial Risk 🛈 Spatial risk represents the relationship between the location of biodiversity loss (on-site) and where the off-site habitat is being delivered. This is applied to off-site interventions only.(User Guide 2.1) On-site   🛈 if ($self/On-off-site = "Off-site") then table('Spatial_Risk')/Spatial_Risk else <Spatial_Risk>On-site</Spatial_Risk>
Spatial Risk Multiplier 1   🛈 if ($self/On-off-site ="Off-site") then table('Spatial_Risk')[Spatial_Risk=$self/Spatial_Risk]/Multiplier else 1
Total habitat units 🛈 Biodiversity units are a proxy to describe biodiversity. Units here are area units. (User Guide 2.1) 61.60   Unit 🛈 $self/Area * $self/Distinctiveness_Score * $self/Habitat_Condition_Score * $self/Strategic_significance_multiplier * $self/Spatial_Risk_Multiplier
Baseline units retained 30.24   Unit 🛈 $self/Area_retained * $self/Distinctiveness_Score * $self/Habitat_Condition_Score * $self/Strategic_significance_multiplier
Baseline units enhanced 17.60   Unit 🛈 $self/Area_enhanced * $self/Distinctiveness_Score * $self/Habitat_Condition_Score * $self/Strategic_significance_multiplier
Units lost 13.76   Unit 🛈 $self/Total_habitat_units - $self/Baseline_units_retained - $self/Baseline_units_enhanced
Bespoke compensation agreed No   🛈 (<option>No</option>,<option>Yes</option>)
Compensation outcome OK   🛈 if ($self/Required_Action = "Bespoke compensation likely to be required") then if ($self/Bespoke_compensation_agreed="Yes") then "Alternative Compensation Agreed" else if ($self/Units_lost > 0) then "Error - Any loss Unacceptable" else "OK" else "OK"
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