Polyhedra in OpenSCAD

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group : Hart   Count = 8

Name Groups #Vertices Vertex orders #Faces Face orders #Edges Conway
Another of George's polyhedra  Hart 420 420{5} 632 60{6}+12{5}+560{3} 1050 sdk5sI
eepT  Hart eeKpT
enneacontahedron  Hart jtD
gyrogyrocube  Hart ggC
jP3  Hart 0 9 9{4} 7 NKjP3
k12dk12dk12dk12P12  Hart k12dk12dk12dk12P12
Random zonohedron with 42 faces  Hart 44 8{5}+20{4}+16{3} 42 42{4} 84
Rhombic Enneacontahedron  Hart 92 12{5}+60{3}+20{6} 90 90{4} 180 jtI