Ways of Seeing Illustrated

Type Painting
title The Garden of Eden : the Temptation, the Fall and the Expulsion
/label The Garden of Eden : the Temptation, the Fall and the Expulsion
/searchlabel The Garden of Eden : the Temptation, the Fall and the Expulsion by Limbourg brothers
subjects Garden of Eden
/subject-link Garden of Eden  Wikipedia   Google Images
source LosTres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry
artist Limbourg brothers
location Musee Conde Chantilly
/googleImages http://www.google.com/images?q=The%20Garden%20of%20Eden%20%3A%20the%20Temptation%2C%20the%20Fall%20and%20the%20Expulsion%20by%20Limbourg%20brothers
is painting of Ways of Seeing page 48