
The Election results in RDF #xquery #linkeddata

The results from the Election on Thursday are now in the RDF dataset I've been playing with.  They have been scraped from the Press Association results feed. This takes a bit of parsing since it is not marked up beyond separate text blocks per result, with multiple results per Constituency where corrections have been made.  Looks OK but I couldnt swear.  Perhaps there is another source which is easier?

The main task was translating the Press Association upper case strings to the official constituency names recommended by the MySociety folk.

The 2005 data needs to be reloaded and linked up with the 2010 data but I have to work on the constuency names 

There is as yet not much in the way of external links, either to other vocabularies or other resources. I've added links to some of the MySociety sites and I will add others as I come across them. Most pressing is the need to add some location data.

The Browser interface now includes a database of sample queries - I'm happy to add any other examples to this list.